Thursday, January 29, 2015

Two Worlds in Conflict Old and New, where does kyyboa Stand for the Future


  1. I like the two world theory, one about domination, the other compassion. Does everything need to be a challenge until the connection. One thing that needs to be looked into is the possibility of micro-worlds; the origins of past systems.

    1. Yes this two world is about a major division of forces. But it is not truly domination vs. Compassion. I don't think those would rightly be called worlds.
      I think there is a whole slew of forces which are under the New World, a world which is dividing humans from Nature, and getting them under the control of the machine and computers etc. The other older world is Nature, which is a savage world of survival and yet it has its beautiful side.

      You ask if everything needs to be a challenge? Well it may be answered in the Bhagavad-gita.

      Smaller worlds and/or the origin of past systems are also parts of the larger major world divisions. I think that everything can be broken down into smaller sub-groups.

  2. The two world order... basically has a lock on people through paper controlling. "The original system of culture" (that we know of) is made up of "farming and hunting". What else can money control besides sleeping and eating? If people werent too cold to sleep outside and too hungry to stop eating what would they do? Is the machine and money like consciousness of the world in the way of a new expansion... Or is it the other way around?

    1. Thanks for writing. I am going to respond with the other user name.

    2. Money does have the ability to control the basic functions. Humans are under this system which controls their "rights" to sleep somewhere, to eat, and to do all basic functions. They have been made incapable of doing any of it without paying the price.
      People are weakened and now depend on the comforts. They can barely live without these dependencies. its like drugs for everything. Comforts, convenience, climate control. How could they ever sleep outside? How could they ever deal with a little hunger? They get hooked on the money which will make all the little sufferings go away.
      "Money itself" is the living demon of Greed. It is one and the same thing, just slightly different words. It is conscious, yes. It does know its own self completely. It is just what it is. And it has taken over almost totally. Because it has no greater power which has been used against it. to contain it and trap it. But that is the point of our awareness.. what will be next.

  3. The lock in one the people by their soul being trapped within the paper fictional reality. That is the way it is, there was a good reason for it. At first, it was a creative idea. it was all positive and good. But along the way it went bad, it got rotten as all things do.
