Saturday, October 22, 2016

SEXY MILF Jessica Drake Adult Actress: Whining about her Consensual Sins

Adult Actress

#jessicadrake Sex slave?  Exploited?  Yes Exploited by the DNC the Establishment and the Clintons!

Newsmax poll results! I participated. Follow the link to take the survey also..

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Trump Gains on Clinton, Poll Shows 'Rigged' Message Resonates 10/21/2016 7:53:58 PM ... Poll:Trump Maintains 1-Point Lead After Debate 10/21/2016 ...

Who is your choice for the GOP's 2016 nominee? -
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Newsmax will provide the results of this poll to major outlets. ... Donald Trump ... After voting check your inbox to verify your vote and to get latest poll results.

Donald Trump -
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Donald Trump. WSJ: Facebook Employees Pushed to Have Trump Anti-Muslim Posts Removed ... Virginia Poll: Clinton Leads Trump by 12 Points 10/21/2016 ...

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Trump supporters: 96 percent;; Clinton supporters: 37 percent. The pollshowed that men ...

FULL EVENT: Donald Trump Foreign Policy Speech In Gettysburg, PA (10/22/...

Friday, October 21, 2016

Developing...James Okeefe In Danger

An establishment in panic

An establishment in panic

Philippine movement towards China axis! Major shift. Duterte. Sovereignty.

This was a hot trending topic in quora (site now DOWN)  but when it goes up, I will mirror-post here....
I had to Chime in on such a fascinating topic..
The US is known to help the Philippines and stations their army in the Philippines; the Philippines’ economy is dependent on the US. China claims the Philippines’ Spratly Island. So why has Duterte chosen to embrace and have a closer relationship with China?

Mysterey VideoGuru
Mysterey VideoGurutraveled to Philippines. Memorably saw Lake Taal.

As somebody who is both Chinese and Filipino by blood, yet American by nationality, I have a uniquely pertinent interest in this issue. The move is obviously not favorable to certain parties, yet it is very favorable to others. This is a major shift away from neo-colonialism and a blowback long in breaking. It is a defeat of the neo-con agenda. What can they do to recover from this embarrassment and breach of their pact with Philippines?
The benefit is to the people of that nation. It is sovereignty and national integrity that is being boosted. It is time for healing they feel. There will also be those who do not agree. They are American benefactors, but not in the majority anymore.
It all makes logical sense, when ones considers the bigger picture of global politics. The NWO is being challenged by the BRICS. China and Russia are the main players who are moving against the American-based hegemony. They merely want to manage their sphere. After all, it is the international waters which surround their own waters and coastline. China and Philippines share this region and have much more in common because of this plain fact.
But why can’t everybody just get along? Philippines is going to lose some American money on this shift. Yet they start by gaining on the Chinese money. Look at the restrictions lifted against the fruit merchants, which can now sell goods from Philippines in China. The broader argument is that US money is Chinese money anyhow, because of the debt position; USA owes China a lot, not the other way around.
It probably has something to do with the Pacific trade agreement (The Trans-PacificPartnership - TPP). Conflict and wars are based upon economic schemes. The Philippines under Duterte is making key decisions that will develop its economy.
If I can make any predictions, I would say that China is strengthening and will use that wisely. But it will keep playing fair within the NWO. Russia right now is off-balance with all the NATO conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. So the comparison is more favorable for China. If the Philippines also increases ties with Russia, this will be evident that it sides with BRIC sphere of influence.
Diplomatically, the USA has to make a sweet deal for the Philippines to be able to stay friendly with both sides of the global system. I don’t know how they will go about this. But I hope they do. FDR is probably one of the best role models for this crucial challenge. A careful study of his politics on the international stage would behoove us. And as a personal note, when President Roosevelt fell fatally ill in Warm Springs, Georgia, he was carried by a Filipino staffer of the retreat facility. His name was Irineo “Filipino Joe” Esperancilla. Somebody with insight could make sense of this seeming coincidence.
The healing process for the Philippines nation does not begin with the World War 2 events however. It has to be traced all the way back to what happened when it gained its “independence” from Spain. That is through another Roosevelt, Theodore, the older cousin of FDR. What occurred during that conflict had sewn the seeds of the harvest that is taking place today. It is resentment which will have to be transformed into something better.
For all of Duterte’s insults (and sometimes consequent apologies), he is representing the people who are also looking for apologies from the USA. I don’t think it has to necessarily be in reparations, through the UN or whatever international legal means. It has to come through a clean slate. Starting fresh would be the best way to handle it. This transition into friendship with the Chinese is part of that process.
I could put in a few words about another factor in all this, which is the Catholic Church and its influence in this traditionally Catholic nation. Yet that would be too wide of a scope at the moment.

We seem to be in the middle of a cyber attack! Is it a FALSE FLAG cyber attack though?!

False flag attack... cause for going into conflict. Escalation? Hopefully not!

Notable Outages availability chart status page by availability chart status check by

Thursday, October 20, 2016

On Quora I had to downvote an article. It was so much of the MSM lies...

The article I refer to - (please feel free to also downvote it)

Obviously it is. Your article is more of the same fodder. For all your words, it is still patently a whitewash of the collective frenzy. Let’s be honest, it’s a liberal controlled industry. There is no such thing as objective journalism. They always take a side, the bias is based upon where the money is coming from. Duh! follow the money, backwards. For a long time, the orchestrated plan was put into motion. The Clinton machine bought the reins of media power. After Hillary’s bitter defeat in 2007–2008 to the “selected”, out-of-nowhere Obama. Then a promise and a pact was made. Clinton would just have to wait until the next 8 years ran its cycle. Now the chickens come home to roost, because all the evidence is now available. The Clintons schmoozed and made all the arrangements for their scheduled victory. She said it herself, “I was preparing for the Presidency” (not for the debate and campaigning). Such entitlement and narcissism smacks of royalty. Do we really need another one from the Clinton regime, as we did from the Bush clan?
For Lee Thé to repeat the cliche that “Trump is unfit”, reeks of inherent elitism. Your career has indoctrinated that into your psyche. The only reason you can say he is unfit, is because of lack of elected-office experience. You would have to admit that the only way you believe anybody can become “fit” is when they are “fitted” into an office. Then it becomes higher status in your estimation. It is a flawed attitude, in that it suppresses the outsider. Everybody new, at the outset, could not be deemed “fit”. Clinton in her “oh so lofty” wisdom explained that no one should be President who gets upset by a tweet. Wow, Hillary, you really read into those simplistic tweets!
Whether you want to dwell on the notion of “being fit” or of “temperament” or any other aspect of campaigning, it all boils down to the slanted rationalizations of the dishonest MSM. You are all blind to how you are, but you have been placed in check. Fortunately, nobody in their right mind takes the MSM seriously anymore. The “alternative” is alive and well all across the interwebs, in the whole world (according to Obama, the slickest media master, “It’s the Wild West”). Alright, Mr. President, we interpret that as your fear of the truth having come out. It may be described as “Wild”, but at least it involves some real open-minded thinking.
Let’s not get into my equal disdain for both of the major candidates. That is not the subject herein. I am not even voting, because it is rigged from the top to bottom. Overall, Clinton is only slightly worse than Trump, the classic “lesser of two evils”. It’s overkill that the MSM has to keep desperately propping up this “Righteous Queen of Disinformation”. Since they are ushering her into power at any cost, then we are going to find out just how much America will fall from grace in the eyes of the world.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Philippines' Duterte dares CIA to 'oust' him

Philippines' Duterte dares CIA to 'oust' him: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday dared the United States' CIA spy agency to try and oust him, as he branded Western critics of his deadly crime war

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

FEAR Itself 15 Years Of Terror: Timeline map of terrorist attacks since 2001


Fools listen up or you will get fooled again and again! This so-called
terrorism is a psy op, a plot conjured by the "west". Those secularized
Christian nations. It is for the purpose of placing the blame on others,
the jihadists or whoever. Yet these are patsies and these are paid
mercenaries. These are false flags, as well as hoaxes.
This is stupid. It is just a label and a belief system which is peddled
through PROPAGANDA. The MMSM the media is the purveyors of the lies of
the State. It goes by the banner of free world democracy or authority of
the gov't. It is might makes right. And they need an enemy. They point
the finger and there it is! voila!!
Yet they do nothing to solve the problem,m which they have created. Main
modus operandi: confuse and inoculate the population with Fear. that is
the only way to get the ignorant masses to respond. Fear tactics.
Creating an atmosphere of insane paranoia. And helping to fan the flames
is religious division, one religion vs. another. Which is more than
stupid. Prophets which gave rise to the religion are those who were
seeking truth. Although no truth has been found or broadcast in this

Peter Appleseed

Fools listen up! 15 Years Of Terror: Timeline map of terrorist attacks since 2001

Fools listen up or you will get fooled again and again! This so-called
terrorism is a psy op, a plot conjured by the "west". Those secularized
Christian nations. It is for the purpose of placing the blame on others,
the jihadists or whoever. Yet these are patsies and these are paid
mercenaries. These are false flags, as well as hoaxes.
This is stupid. It is just a label and a belief system which is peddled
through PROPAGANDA. The MMSM the media is the purveyors of the lies of
the State. It goes by the banner of free world democracy or authority of
the gov't. It is might makes right. And they need an enemy. They point
the finger and there it is! voila!!
Yet they do nothing to solve the problem,m which they have created. Main
modus operandi: confuse and inoculate the population with Fear. that is
the only way to get the ignorant masses to respond. Fear tactics.
Creating an atmosphere of insane paranoia. And helping to fan the flames
is religious division, one religion vs. another. Which is more than
stupid. Prophets which gave rise to the religion are those who were
seeking truth. Although no truth has been found or broadcast in this

Turkey Coup? The Sultan of (Emergency) Swing :  Information Clearing House - ICH

The Sultan of (Emergency) Swing :  Information Clearing House - ICH

Thursday, July 14, 2016

A physicist disappears into a mini black hole created by the CERN particle accelerator (Switzerland – Geneva)

A physicist disappears into a mini black hole created by the CERN particle accelerator (Switzerland – Geneva): A physicist working at the CERN (the European Organization for nuclear research) has been sucked into a mini black hole created by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located a few kilometres from Geneva in Switzerland, astride the Franco-Swiss border.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Witness: 'America Needs To Stop Bombing ISIS' - Orlando Shooter     :  Information Clearing House - ICH

Witness: 'America Needs To Stop Bombing ISIS' - Orlando Shooter     :  Information Clearing House - ICH 

MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa
Orlando shooting: Gunman Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual 14, 2016
.......6/15/2016 - HEADLINE: 'It's me. I am the shooter. I did it for the Islamic State': Omar Mateen had opened fire at Pulse nightclub in the early hours of Sunday morning, killing at least 49 people and injuring more than 50 others. Local news network Bright House cable News 13 was covering the horrific attack when a producer received a chilling phone call at 2.45am - around 45 minutes after the mass shooting began. 'I'm the shooter. It's me. I am the shooter,' the caller told the network's stunned Matthew Gentili. Mateen then announced that he was carrying out the atrocity in the name of ISIS. SO MUCH FOR BREAKING NEWS! WHY DID IT TAKE 3 DAYS FOR THIS ARTICLE TO SURFACE IN A BRITISH NEWSPAPER BEFORE BEING PUBLISHED ON CNN LATER THE SAME DAY? WHY DIDN'T NEWS 13 RELEASE THIS INFO ON DAY 1? ......I'm not saying that there were no deaths or injuries at the Pulse club but what we're being fed through the media is just not ringing true....the 3 questions that need to be answered are; Who was/were the gunmen at the Pulse club? Why was it instigated?Who are the instigators? Fake Kevlar helmet walking toward a crime scene PATIENCE CARTER is FOX NEWS INTERN! Anderson Cooper with Christine Leinonen Green Screen Crisis Actor - The one with the hat. ....We're all hostages living in an open air prison! Song For The Hostage
Jeff Hogancamp
You taping this in a closet? I dare anyone to find a picture of an ambulance at Pulse or and EMT. It was all faked.
MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa
Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual
your a fucking moron
MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa
Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual... and you sir, are a moron fucking.
MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa
By The Saker June 13, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - Frankly, I did not feel like commenting on this shooting.  Primarily, because I don’t believe that this event deserves the reaction it got.  Yes, sure, 50-100+ innocent people were shot/hurt, but that is more or less what happens on a daily basis in so many locations of our planet that I don’t see how the Orlando shooting would deserve some special attention (for example, just four days ago 19 Yazidi ladies were burned alive to death in a cage by Daesh for refusing to have sex with Daesh fighters). But then I got a ton of emails about that.  And, besides, since the homosexual lobby in the USA demands special protection for homosexuals, the massacre in Orlando is a big deal because it is a perfect illustration of how our masters want us to react.
David Turley
Hmmmm...actually it was 50.
MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa
In the morning, until about 10:30am they were reporting 20 DEAD. (this is time-sensitive vlogging) BTW That is what they reported officially.
hard to take a guy who makes videos in his closet...seriously.
MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa
Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual...
JD Smith
These shootings are all fiction. Highly recommended, Check out the seminal banned fictional book on crisis actors (“America Deceived III”), as real as this hoax: Expose these hoaxers.
Creator's Revelations
The Almighty showered the city of Lot with fire bullets assigned to each of those homosexuals and turned the city upside down. So do you think the Almighty Creator is a terrorist? Do you see how we turned to a Godless nation? The owner of the 7 universes does not like homosexuality because they block the creation of our Creator, nor He likes Godless nations. That is why disasters like aids, processed foods, foods sprayed with poisoned chemical, tornados, floods, earthquakes, fires, wars, drones, terrorism, global warming and so on will not stop. Life and death belongs to our Creator. It seems like people in the Bible Belt area did not mind this incident ! . . .
Creator's Revelations
In the system of the Almighty there is accident or coincidence He is running everything. He is the One Who gave power to Hydrogen and its bomb and Hitler and our drones in order to evict people who are not following His rules on earth. Disasters are not going to stop as long as we decided to become a Godless nation. And media loves that . . .  Psychologist are saying that our people have been paralyzed by drugs, alcohol, TV, and all kinds of sex to the point that they are not able to think anymore, and they do not know who created them from ejected semen. Welcome to the 21st century. Here is what media have been hiding and blocking people to know ever since 40 years ago. The Almighty Creator, has been sending us mathematical signs in the Arabic Quran through 2 American scientists based on number 19, the hidden secret of the Quran, ever since 40 years ago. Now 40 years respite has past already and all the leaders of the world have been rejecting and hiding those 1500 pages of scientific reports, and Ultimate mathematics of the Quran based on primes numbers, composites, twin primes, Gaussian primes, and so on. That is why disasters are hitting us almost every day, especially they are coming down on those so called Muslims, and no power can stop them. And it does not have to do anything with Muslim and Islam. They do not even read the Quran, that is why they are in this mess and the whole world is facing disasters every day because of rejecting these awesome signs. The worst is yet to come. Truth has come and falsehood will be vanished.
MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa
Very good religious referrence. You think this is the similar situation? Is it Divine intervention? Direct or indirect?
David H.
False Fag!
MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa
Flase fag Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual
AncientGems FBI was already in florida posing as muslim terrorists. check out the link. They orchestrated this whole thing.
Teresa Reams
When I heard this news, I immediately said that something doesn't add up... & all of the facts weren't even out yet. IDK, I'll wait till all of the facts (that they're gonna give us anyways), come out before I say more. Although I KNOW I'm on to something.
MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa
Orlando shooting: Gunman Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual ...
The Real Prophet Muhammad
No more guns, guns are for those with gun cravings. and by the way, is that the only place you have any bit of privacy...... is in the closet............................................................................
why are you hiding in a closet?

This could be a false flag all the classic signs are there, fema/homeland security training drill made to look real

+Danielle J I didn't mean to reply to you. Sorry.

+wonderming1 No worries

It is a terrible thing that happened in Orlando, I can't imagine what those who have been affected are going through or how they feel about any number of issues. The bigger tragedy is the fallout from these situations, I see all around me arguing and bickering about the issue, yet no one really unifying because they get so emotional that the thought of a rational discussion of the issue becomes moot. So for 5 minutes of your day, regardless of how you feel /have been feeling, take this into consideration. Whether you are Pro gun, anti gun, Lgbt promotor, or a straight supremacist. It doesn't matter, if the government decided to take guns away today, the problem would be solved temporarily sure. But a lunatic without the power to express their lunacy onto the world is far more dangerous than a lunatic with it. Taking it away will only cause them to create far more evil tragedies. Does our gun heavy culture attribute to more gun related deaths? Absolutely. But just think about yourself. If you want to accomplish a feat, and someone removes your right to accomplish it because they don't believe in your ability to do so. You will then push back twice as hard for what you want to do. Thats the real problem here is trust, we've become so untrustworthy as a society that very good people believe the cause is lost. That we must remove rights in order to live freely without worries. That's a paradox, and my biggest worry isn't the 30,000 gun deaths per year In this country. It's the hundreds of millions of people that JUST FLATOUT DON'T TRUST THEIR FELLOW AMERICAN. Me included. Well that is simple, just as racism, and sexism are deeply rooted in this country, there are a multitude of other things that need to be improved as well. If you want to solve a problem look from within, not what you can take away from others. But what you can improve within yourself. If all three hundred plus million of us did then gun violence would be solved tomorrow. The true Dilemma is that we need to get to the source of the issue and understand how to stop these people from becoming this lost in the first place. There are nukes in every corner of the world at this point. Just because someone has the power to express it doesn't mean they will. A close family member of mine took their life by use of a gun years ago. You mourn for the tragedy and accept they would have done whatever means necessary to get what they desire. A true madman will use any instrument to exact their twisted views upon the world, they want us to be separated, be divided on an issue. Us bickering and shaming others on things of this nature is EXACTLY THE INTENTION of the devils advocates. What happens when someone makes a bomb out of hardware items that kills 20-30 people? Do we ban everyday items? What happens when someone runs over 30 people in a car and drives off into the sunset? Do we ban cars or driving? Car accidents kill more people than guns every year and we let 16 YEAR OLDS DRIVE THEM. I don't want a gun nor do I care about the second amendment. But God dammit to those that want to take away rights, you are no better than those who are trying to take away yours. In other countries, thousands of people die every day from poverty, sickness, and war. We don't bat a fucking eye because it doesn't directly involve us. But now it's an issue, because in our safe haven America people get shot. Well guess what? Life is really rough sometimes so either accept it, which is unacceptable, or try and help people. If you really care about this issue, and want to prevent further issues from occurring, I'll tell you one thing, taking away peoples rights in any situation, will cause the adverse effect you intended. Only through trust, and proper upbringing, can, we truly heal these wounds. But by all means, if history has taught us only one thing, it's that history will repeat itself under the pretenses of not learning from our mistakes.

Who are you? Some troll looking to convince the blind public? WRONG PLACE! This is a false flag

Who are you? Some troll looking to convince the blind public? WRONG PLACE! This is a false flag

where is the raw footage everyone's mobile phone? phone interviews and the crowds of people?


50 dead, 50 wounded. One out of every 2 shot is dead. Seems like an unrealistically high kill ratio: Also Law Enforcement Officers miss between 70 – 80 percent of shots fired during a shooting incident. Assuming 50 dead and 50 wounded means 100 hits, then let's say only 30% of the shots fired hit a person, then the shooter would have had to fire at least 333 shots or empty eleven or more 30 round AR magazines... Also assume your targets are moving away from you. Head shots would be even more difficult. Conclusion: False Flag with no real casualties. If actual casualties, there would have had to have been multiple shooters with lots of ammo and military training.

The gun-man was apparently a master at the firearms. he is said to have a concealed carry license via FL.

VIRTUALLY EVERY VIDEO of survivors coming out were all shot in the leg. 50% kill shot + 50% leg shots. This (fake) shooter must be an ace, or just showing off, or... JUST ANOTHER FAKE STORY.

oMAR MATEeN = ARMAMENT = a military force equipped for war

I can't even focus on what you are saying because all my mind is wrapped around is wondering WHY ARE YOU IN THE CLOSET filming this?

Orlando shooting: Gunman Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual ... 14, 2016

Because Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual

45 comments for 221 views very high ratio. But YT is it accurate?

These shootings are all fiction. Highly recommended, Check out the seminal banned fictional book on crisis actors (“America Deceived III”), as real as this hoax: Expose these hoaxers.

No more guns, guns are for those with gun cravings. and by the way, is that the only place you have any bit of privacy...... is in the closet............................................................................

Look up Christine Leinonen. She said her son was at the club but she is obviously reading a teleprompter. This is a false flag operation just like the Boston bombings.

When I heard this news, I immediately said that something doesn't add up... & all of the facts weren't even out yet. IDK, I'll wait till all of the facts (that they're gonna give us anyways), come out before I say more. Although I KNOW I'm on to something.

Orlando shooting: Gunman Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual ...

· FBI was already in florida posing as muslim terrorists. check out the link. They orchestrated this whole thing.

why are you hiding in a closet?

hiding... Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual

.......6/15/2016 - HEADLINE: 'It's me. I am the shooter. I did it for the Islamic State': Omar Mateen had opened fire at Pulse nightclub in the early hours of Sunday morning, killing at least 49 people and injuring more than 50 others. Local news network Bright House cable News 13 was covering the horrific attack when a producer received a chilling phone call at 2.45am - around 45 minutes after the mass shooting began. 'I'm the shooter. It's me. I am the shooter,' the caller told the network's stunned Matthew Gentili. Mateen then announced that he was carrying out the atrocity in the name of ISIS. SO MUCH FOR BREAKING NEWS! WHY DID IT TAKE 3 DAYS FOR THIS ARTICLE TO SURFACE IN A BRITISH NEWSPAPER BEFORE BEING PUBLISHED ON CNN LATER THE SAME DAY? WHY DIDN'T NEWS 13 RELEASE THIS INFO ON DAY 1? ......I'm not saying that there were no deaths or injuries at the Pulse club but what we're being fed through the media is just not ringing true....the 3 questions that need to be answered are; Who was/were the gunmen at the Pulse club? Why was it instigated?Who are the instigators? Fake Kevlar helmet walking toward a crime scene PATIENCE CARTER is FOX NEWS INTERN! Anderson Cooper with Christine Leinonen Green Screen Crisis Actor - The one with the hat. ....We're all hostages living in an open air prison! Song For The Hostage

The cop thanked the press for covering the story? Lol

really. he is a thankful person.

Everybody knows that FEMA holds drills in gay clubs all the time. FEMA hold drills in hurricanes. Every single thing is a FEMA drill. Drooooooooooolllllllll

So this has the earmarks of a F E M A operation.


Where did they kill "Omar Mateen"?


Where on the scene was he shot and killed?

raw mobile phone footage in the nightclub?

Yeah, if mobile phone footage doesn't surface soon, that is a red flag.

I'm not saying it was a false flag...but where is all the phone footage of inside the club, where is the footage of dozens of people running out of the club? where's all the parents and people in hospital being interviewed? I don't understand at all? i'm not saying it's false, but where are all the ambulance's driving away as well?

what is false flag

YES!! False flag is written all over this!!

+MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa I went to his house. What did you do? I WENT TO HIS HOUSE. You hear me? I WENT THERE. The street had SO many police, news, and neighbors they blocked the road. Where is your investigation?

Oh look another false flag? I guess since all the other false flags and psych ops are not getting the knee jerk reactions or the usual race baiting, lets throw in the gays. Asians your up next.

It reminds me of the nazi tactics.

You taping this in a closet? I dare anyone to find a picture of an ambulance at Pulse or and EMT. It was all faked.

Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual

Hmmmm...actually it was 50.

In the morning, until about 10:30am they were reporting 20 DEAD. (this is time-sensitive vlogging) BTW That is what they reported officially.

is it a coincidence that Florida is about to host a 2016 National Homeland Security Conference june 28? maybe its also a coincidence that in August Florida will also host the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials where they are going to basically sell their safety communications equipment. its all about the money people. false flag written all over this. 50 dead and one shooter? thats fucking impossible even for a trained killer.

Amazing, incredible. Thanks for the facts.

it was sited as an act of terror even before all the details were out,....they instantly started with the 2nd amendment debate before all the details were out...this shit is so fishy.

+Mr.Like Subscribe I went to his house and tried to take pictures but there are too many people blocking the street. You need to wake up. He lived on s 17th a few streets down from me. So shut the fuck up. You dont know a fucking thing.

your a fucking moron

Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual... and you sir, are a moron fucking.

False Fag!

Flase fag Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual

Thank you for posting!! I don't believe any of these shooting massacres incidents..when I first heard about the shooting I immediately search YouTube for "Orlando shooting false flag" and I knew I would find something!

It is awareness. Because we seek truth. Aren't we living in the matrix for too long?

hard to take a guy who makes videos in his closet...seriously.

Omar Mateen was a closet homosexual...

"You Lie" what kind of obsessed troll are you,

lol I tolerate trolls, because this is an idealistic democracy on my channel.

How did this happen in Florida?  It's the same answer as to how it happens anywhere in the USA.  The answer is GUNS.

Criminals will always get the weapons they want. It does not depend and is not affected by the extraneous legislations.

+MysterEy1 Every1 Peter-Appleseed Keyboa Closing the gun show loop hole is extraneous?   

The Almighty showered the city of Lot with fire bullets assigned to each of those homosexuals and turned the city upside down. So do you think the Almighty Creator is a terrorist? Do you see how we turned to a Godless nation? The owner of the 7 universes does not like homosexuality because they block the creation of our Creator, nor He likes Godless nations. That is why disasters like aids, processed foods, foods sprayed with poisoned chemical, tornados, floods, earthquakes, fires, wars, drones, terrorism, global warming and so on will not stop. Life and death belongs to our Creator. It seems like people in the Bible Belt area did not mind this incident ! . . .

Very good religious referrence. You think this is the similar situation? Is it Divine intervention? Direct or indirect?