Monday, January 26, 2015

New Pages will be launched

Hey Everybody
Welcome to Global Horsepower.  If this is your first time here, make sure you check out the main pages, click from the menu.  That will give you the basics.
After that, you will be able to read the posts and better comprehend what is being discussed.  We assume you know all these things and if there is any question or doubt, please refer back to the main pages.

Todays subject is a quick review of the primary topics we are covering overall.
TOPICS: global level things, major events, major news, major conspiracies, conspiracy in general, power, force, energy, control, the shadow government, the meaning of life, God, collective consciousness, freedom, slavery, ignorance, intelligence, awareness, awakening, superpower, supernatural, horsepower, machines, technology, the system, industry, military, war, propaganda, mind control, etc.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

What forces control the world? What are the primary POWERS?

When we talk about the world and life as we know it, there are forces which are controlling things, controlling our actions. These are also known as powers, or the proverbial powers-that-be. What are they and how do they do what they do? Is this system really necessary?